Top 10 Best Websites To Learn Linux Online

Linux is completely free, and there are many good distros out there. Some I would recommend to include Ubuntu and Opensuse. If you take this approach, then there are few ways you can go.
  • If you have a spare machine, then you can just install it on that.
  • You can create a dual boot system (i.e. both Windows and Linux are installed on the computer, you choose which is to run when you boot up). Most modern Linux distros will handle creating this for you when you install it (resizing existing windows partitions as well). Do backup any important files before doing this method, though.

Best Websites To Learn Linux Online:

#1 Linux programming

Websites To Learn Linux Online
This can be your starting point for learning how to develop Linux programs and administer Linux Systems. It also has a detailed explanation for some of the faqs like why is Linux important, the difference between Linux and Unix, etc.

#2 Norm Matloff’s Unix and Linux Tutorial Centre

Websites To Learn Linux Online
Norm Matloff, a professor of computer science, wrote a variety of free Linux and UNIX tutorials for independent study. In addition to presentations providing guidance for complete beginners, he included more excellent information.

#3 The complete beginner’s guide to Linux

Websites To Learn Linux Online
Linux is everywhere. It’s on your phone, on your Roku devices. It runs most of the Internet, the supercomputers making the scientific breakthrough, and the world’s stock exchanges. But before Linux became the platform to run desktops, servers, and embedded systems across the globe, it was (and still is) worry-free operating systems available.

#4 Linux Security for Beginners

Websites To Learn Linux Online
This free course from Linuxtopia helps beginners navigate Linux security. It explores everything firewalls, wireless security, and more. An excellent resource for anyone interested in learning how to use Linux safely and securely.

#5 Linux Basic Concepts

Websites To Learn Linux Online
Some more additional tutorials to teach the basics are available here. So go to the website and just grab the cool tutorials that we help you a lot.

#6 nixCraft

Websites To Learn Linux Online
It is one of the oldest Linux blogs which was created way back in May 2002. It has lots of articles on all kind of Linux stuffs like basic things, command tips, backup tools, Linux package installation and lot more.

#7 Edx

Websites To Learn Linux Online
Edx aim is to increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere. It was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.

#8 ArchWiki

Websites To Learn Linux Online
Well, Linux is free, and you never have to pay for it. Not for learning either. It doesn’t matter which distro you are using ArchWiki has everything like Text editors, packages managers, desktop environment, boot, config and lots more.

#9 Tutorials Daddy

Websites To Learn Linux Online
Tutorials Daddy provides one point solution for all the training requirements for all the niche embedded technologies for the individual learner as well as the organization. It had a strong team of professionals who got significant experience in Linux Kernel, Linux Drivers, Embedded Linux, Marketing, Sales, Web Development.

#10 Linoxide

Websites To Learn Linux Online
It was previously known as ExpertsLogin. It was another old Linux blog which was created on 2006. It doesn’t offer courses. However, it provides you tutorials related to latest Linux stuff and other Open-source related articles.

So above are the Best Websites To Learn Linux Online. Browse out these sites and grab out the tutorials that will help you to learn Linux easily. Hope you like the guide, keep on sharing with others too.