The COVID-19 or Corona global pandemic that has came making the world to standstill and redefine the normal life. It changed the life style and perspective of living the life and gave us an opportunity to look towards our life style in a better way.

Perspective of life change

We have learned so many things during this corona. Before this lock down people were busy in their work and they didn't had time for themselves and for family. But in this pandemic the people are getting time for their family and spending time with their loved one. As this pandemic taught us what is the value of life for us and for our loved one. It made us more joyful in life as we can know our family and friends better.

Power of connection

As in this pandemic of new heroism are emerging among frontline health worker, cleaners, delivery driver, cashier, refuse collectors, and volunteers. From clapping hands for care the neighborhood. The pandemic has created webs of giving and receiving. Distant family members and friends from past get back in touch. What people do now counts, and provide meaning to life sadly absent in many nine-to-five jobs.

Opportunity for review

It is the best time for reviewing and knowing about your culture and sanskriti as this new generation is getting diverted from our culture as they want to adopt new culture and fashion, so this is the best time to make understand and know about our culture by explaining them how vast and unique our culture is. Even there are many tv episodes are telecasted to teach us about our culture. In this pandemic we have time to spend with our grandfather and grandmother they surely have got many stories to tell us.

Value of Freedom

Being restricted and isolated present unique challenges, but it also reminds us the value of freedom, in fact people have celebrated their festival in their home by keeping themselves isolated. Freedom is a state of mind which we came to understand in this lockdown. Alone time has become a precious commodity, even if it is a silent together time, among people sharing space.

This pandemic has made ourself a bit better than before and taught us alot. This lockdown has brought many people together. But this pandemic is a crucial time for people suffering from it. So, lets pray together and join our hands for the welfare of this whole nation.